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Biochemistry and molecular biology

Diagnostics Biochemistry and molecular biology

What’s in the News: Infectious Disease

| George Francis Lee

Catching up with infectious disease research

Diagnostics Biochemistry and molecular biology

You, Me, and Molecular P

| George Francis Lee | 6 min read

Speaking with Chief Scientific Officer at Yourgene Health, Joanne Mason

Inside the Lab Technology and innovation

Accelerating Alzheimer’s Detection

| Kolb C Hartmuth | 5 min read

How precision medicine, biomarkers, and data science are changing the face of Alzheimer’s disease research, diagnosis, and treatment

Diagnostics Biochemistry and molecular biology

Parkinson’s Progress

| Georgia Hulme

Could a new blood biomarker could help with early Parkinson’s diagnosis?

Outside the Lab Biochemistry and molecular biology

Catch the Story: News in Infectious Disease

| George Francis Lee

The latest in infectious disease news…

Diagnostics Biochemistry and molecular biology

Lighting the Way for Research

| Sponsored by Roche | 3 min read

How Roche’s Digital LightCycler® dPCR System is illuminating the work of the lab

Diagnostics Biochemistry and molecular biology

The Next Generation of NGS

| George Francis Lee | 5 min read

An interview with Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Garret Hampton on the future of next-generation sequencing

Outside the Lab Training and education

Educational e-book: ‘Catch’ the latest in infectious disease!

Are you interested in infection? Check out our latest e-book

Diagnostics Biochemistry and molecular biology

Beautiful Biochem

| Emma Lewis

An artistic impression of cellular apoptosis by 15-year-old Emma

Outside the Lab Clinical care

The Innovator’s Dilemma

| Randy E. David | 5 min read

How simulated patients can solve the problem of procuring evidence of clinical utility

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